Should I Write for Myself or For Someone Else?
It isn't a question which can be answered with a quick and simple "yes" or "no", so here are some of the points to consider. Easy Money? If you are a good, fast writer then you can make a reasonable living from writing for other people. You might never become a millionaire from it but if you want a steady, fairly predictable wage then you get it this way. With your own site things aren't quite so clear cut, as your earnings could vary greatly from nothing at all to a lot of money. If you like the idea of striking it rich with a huge income then you might like to give your site a go, but it you are happy with safe and steady then copywriting as a job is probably good enough. No Boss Working from home as a freelance writer is one of the most relaxed types of job you could do. It is certainly nothing like being stuck in a stuffy office with a grumpy boss and a coffee machine that never blooming works (do I still sound bitter?) but can it be bettered? Certainly, online employers tend to be of the laid back variety but if you really want to go it alone then this is your chance. Of course, working without a boss means that you get more responsibility and can't concentrate just on writing. Now you'll need to find clients, handle the admin and maybe even hire your own staff. Lots of Work Freelance copywriters often complain that their job is all about feast or famine. No problem on that score if you run your own site; there will be a feast of work to do all the time. This is actually the main reason why people don't seem to be so keen on what looks like the perfect compromise of doing both things at the same time. Running your own site is a full time job which simply won't leave you the time to work for someone else as well. Workaholics might like to give it a try but anyone who enjoys sleeping occasionally would be well advised to avoid this compromise. Any Subject At All? Maybe you think that working on a solo basis means that you can write about anything under the sun. It's a nice thought but not really true in most cases. Your site will be like any other ones out there and will be situated in a niche which you have to stick to. If you want to attract visitors and make money from it then you are going to have to concentrate an awful lot on your keywords. In fact, strange as it may seem, you would probably get more variety working as an employee. Most writers juggle a few jobs at once, and switching between these gives them a nice bit of variety in the subjects they write about. If you find something you are truly passionate about then maybe you could make it work on your own site but in my experience any subject becomes a little less exciting after the 50th article. Freedom One of the best things about working as an internet copywriter is the concept of being free. You can work in your slippers, have your breakfast at 5pm and go to bed at 6pm if you want. Your monthly rail pass can turn yellow and curl up and your tie can disappear down the back of the wardrobe. Is this freedom the same whether you work for yourself or not? I reckon that it is extremely similar. You might be very unlucky and get a boss who wants you to stick to strict deadlines or who expects you to be on Skype on the hour every hour but this is unlikely. In fact, in my experience writing for someone isn't that far removed from writing for myself. Once I hunker down and start typing I forget about who ordered the article and just start writing it. Writing is a funny old business and writers will often find themselves asking this question. There is an seo copywriting team that lets you write for yourself as well as clients- Life can be perfect. |
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