Thursday, 1 December 2011

Po.ST Brings Competent Analytics And Advertising To A Sleek Button Sharing Platform

Po.ST Brings Competent Analytics And Advertising To A Sleek Button Sharing Platform

PoST Homepage

I have recently begun testing a new plugin (in beta) from the team at Po.ST and I have been so impressed with the initial results that I decided to share the company’s progress with our readers.

Po.ST, much like other offerings from ShareThis and AddThis allow users to place Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other share buttons within their posts, while that setup isn’t exactly groundbreaking it’s what Po.ST does with the shares that makes the program worth the download and constant monitoring.

To get started the team at Po.ST allows users to choose the type of widget they would like to use. I personally chose the button design widget because I like to showcase various buttons along with a pop up option (the P icon shows other sharing networks).

Here’s the widget and button display, as you’ll notice the options are easy to choose and the “Grab the Code” button makes it easy to implement your choice.

Notice on the “button design” choice that after all the buttons a number is displayed, in their example that number is “240″ and that’s because ALL shares are compiled and shown as one number, enticing your users to click on any button offered to push up that number. 240 is more impressive in my opinion then showing small numbers of shares for each button.

PoST File Types

After choosing the code and implementing it on I then waited for data to be collected. The Po.ST team has created a very nice analytics system that shows how much your content is being shared and then how those shares are converting to more site visitors. For example notice under content that the top share post has 9 shares with 3 clicks, a 33% Virality (conversion) rate. Users can example the top 5 posts from this display and click on “More Content” to examine all of their content.

If you want to learn which networks are converting best for you there is also the “Services” section which shows which share buttons are being utilized while displaying their clicks and Virality % once again, for example Facebook had 52 shares with 107 clicks and a turnover rate of 205.8%.

PoST Content Dashboard

If the Po.ST system ended there I would call it a very competent barometer for basic sharing but the Po.ST team has taken their process further. Clicking on the Countries tab at the top of their display brings up a share overview based on regions with a sharing map:

PoST Country Sharing

While there are plenty of sharing buttons to choose from Po.ST is the first system that is preparing to offer monetization plans for site users. Since users who share your content are already engaged with that content it makes sense that advertisers shared during those save options can also increase engagement and that’s what Po.ST aims to do. As Po.ST promises:

A 300×250 display ad that can carry your advertisers or ours. The ad unit appears only after a user has shared your content.

So not only do users receive a very competent sharing system, they can monetize those shares and follow their virality all at the same time.

For more information be sure to check out: Po.ST.

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