Saturday 24 December 2011

Why Creating an Editorial Calendar Should Be a Priority

Why Creating an Editorial Calendar Should Be a Priority

Tiempo, tiempo, tiempoYou run a blog, and it is great. While it used to be a simple hobby, usually seen more as a personal journal on the web than anything of practical use, there are endless opportunities that come along with today’s blogging system.

All of this includes a great deal of exposure, even if you are just starting out. Changes in search engines have brought the smallest of blogs onto everyone’s radar.

Most of your concern is going to be divided between content and marketing. These two factors will dictate whether or not you are being followed by a large-enough number to make it a business. If you are a freelancer of any description, it could also be what makes all the difference between getting and not getting that dream project. It is your livelihood at stake.

But it isn’t the only concern. Organization and discipline are two must’s of running a blog; otherwise you see unprofessional jumps and gaps in both quantity and quality of content that can ruin your chances of developing a dedicated following. That is the death of any mainstream blog, no matter the niche.

The trick is knowing what else should remain a priority. One of those elements to put on your to-do list is the creation of an editorial calendar.

What Is an Editorial Calendar?

As a blogger, there is a good chance that you have heard of this before and that you are asking the most common question: Isn’t an editorial calendar only used by advertisers who place ads on your blog?

This is a common misconception that trips many people up. Although an editorial calendar is the method of organization found to be very useful for advertisers looking to customize content running alongside posts, there is a greater implication for both the writer who maintains
the site and the readers who read it.

Essentially, an editorial calendar is a schedule that shows when you will be running certain posts, when and what topic they will cover. Not only does it make it easier to keep up with a series, space out content to work over time and give you a way to tell what is coming up, but it forces you to use discipline in the running of the blog. It might also keep you on track, if you have trouble establishing a content flow.

The Pros and Cons

Besides those listed above, there are other pros of using an editorial calendar. A lot of it has to do with finding the motivation to get work done while establishing a set schedule that requires a certain number of hours per day.

For example, say you want to run a series and have that series feature one article every other day for two weeks.

You would be able to write them ahead of time, knowing what you had planned, and then schedule them for publication on those days. This would cover two weeks worth of content, with writing only a couple of days a week to handle the work flow.

As for your readers, they can have the benefit of knowing what is to come. More and more blogs have been putting notes about "coming soon" articles on the bottom of current posts, especially if they are part of the same topic. It is much easier to remain relevant to the same content and give your readers consistency using this method, which in turn is a positive for them.

There are some cons to this process, however. The biggest one will always have to do with creativity and flexibility vs. the strict following of any schedule. Some writers find deadlines restrictive, and they end up compromising quality in order to keep to it.

You should never be tempted to follow so closely to an editorial calendar that you end up producing something less than great for your blog. It will give a serious blow to your credibility while lessening the impact of your website and putting the rest of your content into question – especially with future clients or other blogs looking for guest posts.

Creating Your Own Editorial Calendar

I have seen a lot of advice on this front, and all of it is good. But the truth is, you don’t have to have any specific process to making your own post schedule. All it really takes is some thought and asking yourself a couple of questions:

  • What categories do I want for my blog? Try not to have too many to start out with and clean up if you have a lot already. You can add more as you go along, but the more general they are, the better.
  • What kind of posts do I want to write? The themes will be another big part of the schedule, such as top 10 lists, tutorials and guides, reviews, posts on specific elements within your niche, etc.
  • What kind of tags should I use? Developing a specific tag system will help you in the long run.
  • When and what should I publish? You should decide now on what days you want posts to appear and what they should be about. For example, have top 10 lists once a week, a guide once a week, a short post twice a week and a review once a week. Then choose what days for each.


Creating your own editorial calendar is fairly simple to do. All you have to really know is what you want and make something to fit to those needs. There isn’t a right or wrong way, only what works and doesn’t work for you and your blog.

Sonia Tracy is the content editor for PsPrint and editor of PsPrint Design Blog. PsPrint is an online commercial printing company specializing in brochure printing. You can follow PsPrint on Twitter @PsPrint.

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Friday 23 December 2011

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (December 19-23)

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (December 19-23)

Blogging Pro Job BoardOne more night, and it’s Christmas Eve! Have you wrapped up your presents yet? I am only going to start after this post. :)

I wish you all a Christmas full of blessings and the love of people important to you! Oh, and lots of new jobs for the new year, too!

Part-time Technical Writer

Want a steady part-time job in the next 3 to 4 months? Based in St. Paul, MN? Check out this job for a technical writer. You need to be able to come up with a step-by-step process documentation. It shouldn’t be too hard, yes?

Nerd Bloggers

Do you wear your nerd badge loud and proud? If so, this telecommute job is perfect for you.

Freelance Copywriter

Automotive experts, listen up! There is a freelance copywriting gig that you may want to take a look at. It’s telecommute and pays rather well.

Senior Business/IT Writer

Do you think you can hold your own against IT professionals? Can you talk their language? Apply for this senior position job, and work anywhere you want to.

Legal Blogger

If you are based in Virginia or North Carolina, and you know the ins and outs of personal injury law in these areas, why don’t you apply for this telecommute blogging position? The pay is attractive!

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Thursday 22 December 2011

5 New WordPress Plugins For Developing A Nice Looking And Smarter Blog

5 New WordPress Plugins For Developing A Nice Looking And Smarter Blog

WP Plugins for BloggersI am not an advocate for WordPress plugins, most of the time users go overboard with their installation and in turn WordPress sites become server intensive power hogs that are slow to load and hard to administer. With that being said there are a handful of new plugins this week that attempt to make a developers life easier, both by speeding up a WordPress installation and by allowing for simple output protocols to be achieved.

Here are 5 new WordPress plugins for developing a faster and smarter blog.

1. WP Separate CSS

As a fan of tweaking my websites design on a fairly regular basis I often find that purchased themes pose one significant problem, whenever an update is made available some developers provide all new files for that theme. Unfortunate that means If I update the theme without backing up the CSS file I lose all of the changes that made the theme my own. WP Separate CSS solves this problem by allowing users to create a separate CSS file that is then added into the theme’s CSS output. Simply upload the program, create a .CSS file within the plugins folder and edit that file instead of the typical style.css and other files. Once the .css file is saved the changes are loaded alongside the templates .css files.

2. WP Put The Meta

Sometimes I want to add certain custom field options to the stories I write but not to every single post, for this purpose the WP Put The Meta plugin is a nice addition to any blog looking for smarter output of content. Simply install the plugin, create a custom field and then insert the following shortcode in your post [putthemeta key=""] where the quotations are filled in with the name of the custom field. While the author of this plugin points to Google Adsense Code insertion as a big plus for this plugin it’s also a great way to add in co-author information, highlight iframe information and provide any other type of output that would typically require HTML coding or other embed options.

3. Be It Facebook Sidetab

This is currently my favorite way to display a “Follow Us On Facebook” floating logo. Now only will uses realize very quickly that you have a fan page for your website, they won’t see your Facebook stream, followers or other intrusive information until they click on the tab. I’m a big fan of the Facebook follow box but I also implement this floating Facebook follow button on my own social media website.

Here’s a quick look at the follow button that is provided:


When clicked that button opens up to display the Facebook fan page stream (if turned on, follower avatars and other information).

SocialNewsDaily Using WP Plugin

4. Google Web Fonts for WordPress

Google offers a library of over 350 web fonts that can help your blogs text stand out from other WordPress sites that typical rely on old faithful options such as Times New Roman and Lucia. While I fully condone the use of those font types because of their reliable output sometimes it’s worth spicing up an arsty or cutting edge website.  For this purpose I recommend Google Web Fonts for WordPress, a new plugin that makes choosing a new Google Web Font type simple.

To use the plugin simple activate it from your WordPress backend then navigation to the ‘Fonts’ menu located under the WordPress ‘Appearance’ tab. From the Fonts menu you will see a dropdown list of available fonts, simply save your selection after you have made your choices.

If you’re not sure which font you want to use you can visit the Google Web Font Directory or preview the fonts from inside the plugins preview window.

After you have chosen your font you will simple add the properties code to your themes stylesheet.

Here are a few Google Web Fonts examples to get your creative juices flowing:

Google Web Fonts Examples

5. Custom Registration Link

The standard URL for WordPress user registration is  found under “http://website-url/wp-login.php?action=register” the problem with that fact is that spam-bots will register on your blog, causing fake accounts to throw off your registered user accounts. While you can simply turn off new user registration that does very little good if you use a WordPress forum plugin or if you require users to register in order to leave comments. With Customer Registraiton Link users are given the option to change the location of the register links to whatever they choose.

Simply install the plugin and you will see a link change area such as the one shown below:

Custom Registration Link

Simply choose your registration link then click save changes and you can drastically reduce spam bot registrations.

Those are just five of the newest Wordpres plugins that can help pretty up your blog and make it a bit smarter.

As always remember that these plugins are brand new and therefore may require regular updates as the developers find bugs in there systems. Always remember to make a backup of your websites database before installing these and any other WordPress plugins.

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

5 Article Ideas That Can Always Be Made Original

5 Article Ideas That Can Always Be Made Original

A big part of blogging is informing the public, but a bigger part of blogging is showing your originality. Whether it is your own blog or a blog where you'd like to guest post, your articles are helping to build your personal brand. If you know anything about branding, you know that standing out with something unique is important. When dealing with your personal brand and the way people view you as an individual (as opposed to a company), it feels so much more important to be unique with different article ideas. Unfortunately, the millions of blogs make this goal seem unattainable.

Writers block is common even for the most creative people in the blogging community. It seems as though every article idea is already out there for people to read. However, this is not something that should discourage you from writing. The truth is this: You're blog will be unique simply because you are writing it. That right there makes it different. In other words, you can take a generic article idea and make it your own using different language and even different information.

Consider a few ideas for a blog post when writers block hits:

How to Find Article Ideas When Writers Block Hits

1. Tell an anecdote or explain a past experience.

This is something that works well for a personal blog, but usually not if you're planning to guest post on a different site. Even if your personal blog has always been about giving advice and sharing information, readers will enjoy a personal story. If you prefer, make it related to your niche and explain what you learned from the experience. This works well every once and a while, and if you have a loyal reader base they will likely enjoy hearing a little bit about the writer. It works especially great on a Friday when no one is really in the mood for serious advice.

2.    Hold an interview with someone in the industry.

There is nothing easier than writing while using someone else's words. Consider reaching out to someone in your niche who has advice to give readers and then hold an interview. This could be the CEO of a company in the city, a blogger who was recognized on a "ten best bloggers" list or someone you know who has made great strides in their industry. Reaching out to bloggers is your best chance for a response, but you might be surprised who else would be willing to answer a few of your questions.

3.    Write a book, movie, or blog review.

Although two blogs may both have a "review" article, no two articles will be alike. That makes this one of the best ways to keep your blog fresh even when the ideas aren't quite coming to you. Consider doing a review on a book, movie, or even blogs. If you have ten favorite business blogs you like to read, write a review! Your readers will appreciate the new type of material, and you will have created a good relationship with the blogs you put on your list. However, remember not to make your choices too similar to your blog—you don't want to point out the competition!

4.    If you have a lot of readers, create a contest.

Creating a contest can often be a lot of work, but it requires little creative thinking on your part. Consider holding the contest for the most creative article or the funniest blog post. Choose two or three and post them on the site. This will be fun for all readers and give you a break from writing (but not a break from reading!). The prize could be exposure for the winner through a featured blog post, a free book, or even a small cash prize. Make sure to treat the contest like a business proposal if you plan to give out a cash prize. People will take this more seriously, so you will have to have all questions answered in your contest description.

5. Create a survey or a poll for all of your readers.

These types of articles are typically not articles. All you need to do is write a quick introductory paragraph, and then ask your readers to vote. This type of interaction is usually fun for readers, and it will help you get the answers to your questions. You may even get idea for future articles based on the results of the survey or poll.

Not only will this create different types of articles help give you a break from writing traditional content, but it will give readers a break from reading traditional content. Although this may be a little bit different than what you usually post on your blog, it will be another way to show your creativity. Even though these ideas are generic, the actual content couldn't be more unique.

Photo Credit:,,,,

Amanda DiSilvestro is a writer on topics ranging from social media to content creation. She writes for an online resource that gives advice on topics including document software to small businesses and entrepreneurs for the leading business directory,

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

How To Create A Media Kit That Produces Results

How To Create A Media Kit That Produces Results




Bloggers “sell themselves” to their readers every single day, they do so by being honest about their opinions and writing factual articles that serve the niche for which they write, however despite the ability of bloggers to sell themselves to readers they often do not sell themselves well to advertisers, company’s looking for product reviews and even other bloggers. The biggest pitfall in this area comes from a lack of a decent media kit.

What Is A Media Kit

In it’s most basic of terms a Media Kit is a page on a website or a file that can be sent to potential advertisers that explains why they should be willing to pay for ad space, product review and other types of advertising on your website.

What To Include In A Media Kit

What you will include in your media kit will vary slightly from one website to another but there are several aspects that almost never change regardless of the niche you serve.

1. Display where ad spaces will be featured. For example you can simply state those locations “Top of website next to logo” along with the size of the ad, for BloggingPro it might read, “468 x 90px Ad – Top of website next to logo.” While simple text is fine many website owners like to create a graphical outlay that highlights each area in which ads are available, this helps “visual” people get a better understanding of what they are buying. I personally like to ad “other advertising option not provided can be discussed with the website owner” since customized campaigns can often bring in more advertising cash than standard ad placement.

2. Provide website visitor analytics. Advertisers want to know who exactly you’re reaching out to. For example it’s important to include both the “unique” number of monthly visitors to your brand along with the number of pageviews they create. This helps advertisers determine if you reach enough people to make their efforts worthwhile and pageviews helps determine if you have an engaged audience. For example 10,000 unique visitors with 100,000 pageviews means your audience on average visits your website 10 times per month. When providing analytic information I prefer to use Google Analytics, GetClicky and Quantcast, this ensures my advertisers that my analytics reports has been verified by multiple sources.

3. Offer website ranking positions: I’m a strong believer that an Alexa score or Google Pagerank doesn’t hold the same weight htey use to but many advertisers disagree. In fact websites I’ve run had typically fared better when I’ve over shared website rankings. For general purposes I suggest sharing your Alexa score,  Google pagerank, score and Technorati scores (this last one can be more important if you rank high in your particular vertical).

4. Share your Social Media follow numbers. The hot topic of today’s internet is social media and how company’s share their content. Make sure to tell your potential advertisers how many Facebook Fan Page Likes and Twitter followers you current have. If you use other social networks such as Pinterest (great for Mom Bloggers) include those as well to show advertisers that your social network competent. On a side note I’ve had advertisers pay for an ad spot or product review and then throw in $10 for a quick tweet, sometimes on sites with as little as 500 twitter followers because of the niche involved in the website. You should also include the number of RSS subscribers to your website and any email based subscriptions you have obtains. The more followers you can show the more interest you will develop for your website. On a side note if you regularly run successful giveaway campaigns it wouldn’t hurt to find the average number of Likes, Tweets and other social shares those contests receive to show product company’s the type of exposure they are likely to receive.

5. Sell Yourself. This might seem like the most obvious part of a media kit but it’s often overlooked. Advertisers want to know that you’re an authority in your vertical so you need to talk about yourself. For example if you’re a mom blogger with three kids you should mention that and reveal your children’s ages and if you’re a tech blogger who formerly worked for Cisco and other tech companies for 10 years you should include that information as well. The more foundation you provide for your background the better chance you’ll have of receiving paid review offers and attracting advertisers who want trustworthy sources.

In it’s most based of terms a media kit doesn’t just provide a bunch of random numbers, instead it gives advertisers a sense of what your website is about and who it attracts on a regular basis, by selling yourself and selling the interest level of your readers even a smaller site can gain exposure and advertising.

[Corporate Logo Image via BigStock]

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Monday 19 December 2011

Win A 1-Year Premium Membership To WPMU DEV

Win A 1-Year Premium Membership To WPMU DEV

bloggingpro-christmas-giveaway-250The WordPress experts at have created a support and features system that is unparalleled in the WordPress environment. Customers to their platform receive hundreds of templates, plugins and support for Wordress, WordPress Multisite and BuddyPress.

As part of our holiday giveaway series WPMUDev has agreed to give away two 1-year licenses to their system for just 1% of the cost. That’s a $408 value for just $4.08!

So what do you receive for that price? How about 300+ WordPress plugins and WordPress themes, quality code, updates guaranteed, 24/7/365 WordPress Support and Manual, Videos and Webinars!

Because their experts in the field and intimately aware of WordPress coding standards the WPMUDev team also guarantee each plugin they create will work out of the box or they’ll give you your money back guaranteed.

You can see what they have to offer by visiting:


1. Follow WPMUDev on Twitter: @wpmudev

2. Like WPMUDev on Facebook:

3. Leave a comment on this page with your Twitter handle after you have completed both steps above.

Two winners will be chosen on Friday, December 23.


Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Friday 16 December 2011

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (December 12-16)

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (December 12-16)

Blogging Pro Job BoardGood Friday morning to all of you! What’s cooking this weekend? I hope that you will enjoy this two-day break from work, and if you still need to get some Christmas shopping done, I hope you get to do it without too much of a hassle.

Here are the highlights from this week’s Job Board.

Freelance Writers

Are you a parent based in Main Line, PA? They are on the hunt for writers who are passionate about parenting and the myriad issues surrounding it.

Gadget/Gizmo/Tech Blogger

Can’t get enough of gadgets? Have something to say that’s different from all the other bloggers out there? You might be the person Gadizmo is looking for!

Hair and Beauty Bloggers

People who are always reading, talking, or writing about beauty, hair, and skin care – this is the perfect job for you! Salon in Your Home is looking for people who can provide a refreshing take on these topics.

Economic/Business Blogger

Do you understand macroeconomic data releases? Why not earn money blogging from your knowledge? This is a remote position.

Style and Fashion Writer

If your sense of style and fashion is better than everyone you know, and you like writing about it, then you could earn good money writing for a magazine. The position is remote.

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

The advantages of building your site on SQLite

The advantages of building your site on SQLite

Most of us bloggers like to write, and when it comes to technical matters, we rely on whatever our blogging platform suggests. Whether we use WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, or any other, we trust what the installer says. In fact, if your site runs on a hosted platform, such as or Blogger, you don’t have a choice in the matter. But if you’re hosting your own installation, then you have to make some choices during installation. One of these choices is what database system to use. Most content management systems out there support multiple options, and default to MySQL or MS SQL, depending whether you’re on a Unix or Windows host. However, sometimes it’s worth changing that. If you’re building your own custom web app, or have someo! ne do one for you, again it’s worth considering what database you’re going to use. Here a few reasons why you may want to go with SQLite instead of the traditional choices.

First, what is SQLite and how does it differ from MySQL or other relational databases? MySQL and most other SQL based systems run in a client-server model, that means you have an actual server running, that contains your data, and your web site is a client of that server. This has several implications. The first is complexity. Having a second, separate server running adds steps in the deployment process, and requires more resources. In most cases, if your web host is modern and the package you’re installing is well done, then this doesn’t mean much to you. You’ll get a MySQL server provided as part of your hosting, and you simply select a username and password, then put this into the installation process. However, if your host isn’t providing that, then you need to install the database, and make sure it’s running. SQLite however is based on a file system structure. Your database is literally one file, and all the ! data is kept inside of it. That means there’s no second server that needs to run, and no username/password to assign to it. The file security is based on your own account permissions.

This brings us to the second point, reliability. Using a RDMS, or relational database, means you need both your web site, and your database server, to be up in order for people to view your content. That’s 50% more chances for failures. If either goes down, then the whole system is down as well. And in many cases, when it comes to cheap web hosts, while your site may be unique to you, the database that you are provided with is shared among many people, and is often slower and less reliable. SQLite doesn’t rely on a server at all, so all you need is for the web server to be up, and that’s all.

Finally, the third advantage of using a SQLite setup is backups. It may seem like a minor thing, but it isn’t. Even if your web host says it’s doing daily backups, most techies will recommend that you still do backups of your own. But making a backup of a MySQL server can be a pain. You need to issue commands to ‘dump’ the data into a file, and then extract permissions, before backing that. Worse, when it comes to restoring, many people find themselves having large issues getting whatever new server they are moving to, to accept the dump that they previously made. With SQLite, it’s dead simple, you just copy the file wherever you want.

Overall, SQLite is a great solution for small and medium sites, and is something you could consider when you build your own site, or even when installing a blogging platform. There is one case where SQLite proves to not be a great choice, and that’s for very large sites. If you plan on making a site for a multi-national company, then you may want to pick something else, because SQLite is restrained by disk I/O access times, and also can’t be load-balanced as easily. Otherwise, give this free, open-source database a try.

Get backlinks to your Blog!

Promote Your Blog

If you are looking to promote your blog and get high quality backlinks from a PR6 2003 domain then is for you. For as little as $14.99 you can submit your blog and have a review written and published there with a backlink to your website or blog, we accept all niche!

Why Every Blogger Should Try Running…

Why Every Blogger Should Try Running…

Running ImagePretty much everyone knows that running, if done properly, can be very good exercise and provide a lot of great health benefits. However, since I’ve taken up running in the past year, getting more serious in the last 4 months. I’ve noticed that the physical benefits are only a small part of the rewards.

Running, in particular endurance running, is a mindset more than anything and thinking like a runner, even if you aren’t one, has a lot of great benefits in your life and in your blogging.

So even if you’re not the type to get off the couch or wear running gear, getting into the mind of a runner can help you get the most out of your blogging and out of any other task that requires endurance and perseverance.

My Story

One year ago, I was not what anyone would consider a runner. Though I had already lost a lot of weight and greatly improved my health, I’d been shying away from treadmills and tracks simply because it was a type of exercise I wasn’t good at.

In high school, I was an avid mountain cyclist and would ride for hours on end. While cycling is great exercise, it requires a very different skill set than running and, every time I attempted to use my feet instead of my pedals it ended badly.

Yet, when I started seeing a trainer early this year, I had little choice but to start running. Since he was just starting out, the only cardio equipment he had was a treadmill so I was forced to learn and quick.

At first, it was pathetic. A lot of rail holding, long warm ups and short bursts. But, with time, I learned, got better and soon graduated to running on the streets and then begin to get much more serious, running farther than I ever thought possible.

Last week, I completed my first 10K run (6.2 miles) and am working on improving both my 10K and 5K times.

Though I still have a lot of work to do (my times are nowhere near competitive) It’s been a long journey already and one that I’ve already learned a great deal from.

With that in mind, here are just five of the lessons that running has taught me and how they apply to blogging.

1. The First Mile is the Hardest

There’s an old saying that goes: “The last miles is the hardest.” Whoever wrote that was not a runner.

The last mile is easy. You’re on the home stretch, your mind and your body are in a rhythm and you’re staring at the finish line. If you’ve made it to the last mile, you probably aren’t going to stop and you may even start to push harder.

For most runners, the first mile is by far the hardest. Though the first few feet is always easy thanks to the initial excitement, there comes a point where the pain and effort required to run catches up to your body and, sadly, you’re only a few hundred feet in.

At this point, you’re hurting and you’re staring down a long, hard road. It can feel impossible even if you’ve done it hundreds of times before. This, more than anything, will make you want to quit and go back home.

Lessons for Blogging: Setting up a site is easy and fun, everyone loves picking out their theme, but writing entry after entry without anyone reading gets tiresome quickly. You need to make a strong first push to get a site going and, once that’s done and your audience grows, you fall into a rhythm and things begin to get easier.

2. Consistency is Key

Though interval training is great if you’re learning how to run or want to burn a lot of calories quickly, it’s not a great way to post good times or run long distances. If you want to make it to the end of your run, you need to find a good, consistent speed that you can maintain and hold it.

Doing this not only makes running a lot easier on you, enabling you to go much farther, but it improves your overall speed, helping you get better times. The hardest part, however, is finding the exact right pace. It needs to be one you can maintain, but one that gets you to the goal as fast as possible.

Lessons for Blogging: You need to make blogging part of your routine and do it as often as you can maintain reliably. It’s easier to pick up the pace later than to scale back a pace you can’t maintain.

3. You Need the Right Equipment

Runners don’t wear the clothes they do out of a complete lack of fashion sense, it’s a matter of practicality. Normal clothes aren’t made for running, they’re heavy, restrict movement and are generally uncomfortable for any kind of extended physical activity.

That being said, good gear doesn’t make you a good runner, but it does make it possible for you to become one. Running shoes and track pants might seem like a waste of money, but when you try running in anything else, the difference is clear.

Lessons for Blogging: Bloggers have tools too, in particular the platform that they use. Whether it’s WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, TypePad or any of the other numerous options out there, you need to make sure you have the right platform for the type of site you want to run. The perfect blogging software won’t make you a great blogger, but it can give you the chance to become one.

4. You Need Support

Running is a solitary sport, but it’s not one you should be doing completely alone. It’s difficult to keep motivated when it’s just you running against yourself. Though you can set important goals, it’s easier when you have others to help push you along.

Whether it’s friendly competition, encouragement or just someone to talk to about running, having people you can work with not only makes it easier but better all around.

Lessons for Blogging: When you’re blogging, it’s just you and your keyboard but there is strength in numbers. Networking with other bloggers encourages linking, swapping useful information and much more. Being a social blogger makes you a better blogger.

5. It’s All About the Mindset

When starting a run, if you realize it’s going to be a long run and take it seriously, you’re much more likely to finish it. If you underestimate how far X number of miles is, you’ll likely not finish it, even if you’ve gone much farther in the past.

If you know what you’re getting into and treat it with the right amount of respect, you’ll reach your goals. If you don’t, you won’t. It’s that simple.

Lessons for Blogging: Blogging is an endurance run. It’s not something you do one day and quit. It becomes a part of your life and something you do day after day for months or even years. If you realize that before opening a site, you’ll likely go far with it and do great things, if you don’t, you’ll probably quit not too far out of the gate.

Bottom Line

Running isn’t easy but neither is blogging. But any time you take on a challenge and overcome it, there are things that you can learn from that and take it to the next.

This is why it’s important to always be working to improve yourself in everything you do. The harder you work, the more you overcome and the more experience you get, the better you are prepared for what lies next.

That, in turn, enables you to do more and become more, possibly exceeding the highest expectations you had for yourself.

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