Friday, 14 October 2011

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (October 10-14)

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (October 10-14)

Blogging Pro Job BoardIf you are based in the UK, you probably spent this week eating as much chocolate as you want. It is National Chocolate Week over there after all. However, just because you are based somewhere else does not necessarily mean you cannot join them in celebrating, does it?

An even better reason to celebrate, though, is if you find a gig or two that can bring in some money. So it’s time for this week’s job board highlights. Good luck!

Researcher/Writer for U.S. Water Projects

Many of us take water that flows from the tap for granted, but if you think about it, a lot of work and effort go into making this possible. You might be interested in this writing job as it involves covering existing water projects all over the U.S. – you get assigned a project in your region! This is perfect for those who want to get out of the house every now and then.

Content Writing on Marketing

Are you a marketing maven? If so, you can do this content writing job asleep. Even better, this is a telecommute job.

Research-oriented Political Writers

Interested in all things politics? Then this writing job will suit you very well. It’s for, a news and information site covering various aspects of the U.S. government and its relations.

Flash Developer for eLearning

A communication firm based in New York is looking for a flash developer for eLearning development. For developers who are educators at heart, this telecommute job might be what you are looking for.


Here’s a job for the international market. If you are based in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, or Thailand, you can apply for this job, which requires you to cover news in the Asia-Pacific region.

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