Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Content You’ll Find on Every Successful Site

The Content You'll Find on Every Successful Site

A website or blog needs to have a content strategy that would cover the bases and help it succeed. You have heard that content is king, but remember that throughout history, we all have seen bad kings alongside great ones.

What kind of content should you have on your site to make sure you succeed?  Here are four:

1.  Exclusive research.  This could be industry-specific white papers, research studies, or simple survey results.  Take a look at your business, your industry or your niche, what do you think would interest your customers and your target market.  For example, if you are a mobile retailer, you may want to create a survey of features that people would generally want in a Smartphone, or perhaps whether teenagers in your area would prefer an Android device or an iPhone.  This content that you create for yourself is based on an objective, impartial and scientific study.  Not only will it lend credibility for you and your business, but it will also give you content that would be tremendously useful for your stakeholders.

2. Personal thoughts, rants, raves and reviews.  The whole point of putting content online is not to sell your products, but to engage your customers.  Selling your products and services is an offshoot of this engagement.  So whether it is on your business blog, website or Facebook page, you should be aiming to engage your customers through discussions and conversations.

Note that people do not connect with brands.  They connect with other people.  This is why you should take time to provide content that has a human voice to it: your voice.

Do not be afraid to put up personal thoughts on things you like or do not like.  This is what your customers would want to see, and this is how connections are created, fostered and developed.  Be careful not to go overboard though.  Politics, sex and religion are still taboo, unless your brand is connected with it (i.e., you sell adult toys).  Also, try to be discerning in what you share.  Stick to business, instead of complaining about the lousy service at a restaurant when you sell computers.

Pepper your blog post with “I think,” “I believe,” “I like.”

3. Other people’s content.  You simply cannot write about anything and everything.  If you come across relevant, useful and informative articles from others, then do share them with your people.  You can rewrite them and attribute them to the original source, or you can simply post a link to the original article and just add in your thoughts.  This would give your customers the impression that you are definitive and comprehensive and the go-to site for anything that is related to your niche, business or industry.

Thus, you are providing your target market a service by being the single and reliable source for relevant news and information.  This helps them by reducing the time and effort they spend to search, research and educate themselves.

Not only that, it will be much easier to gain their trust because you are not just selling your products, but really trying to educate them.

4. Content that lasts a long time.  You have heard that Google and other search engines like fresh content.  That is true, and that is why you should always have a steady stream of new content available on your site.  But you should also have evergreen content. Evergreen content are those articles, blog posts and Web pages that have a long shelf life. Its main purpose is to target certain keywords and drive traffic to your site through search engines.  Evergreen content, therefore, is keyword-rich and written for the long haul.  For instance, tips, how-tos, guides and tutorials make for great evergreen content.  So do encyclopedic material and historical entries.

A caveat, however, is that most people think that it is not necessary to update evergreen content.  This is a very dangerous thinking. Make sure that you keep evergreen content relevant and up-to-date.  For example, if you have a comprehensive guide of European backpacking sites, and one of those sites on the list closed down, you should update it and take off the information regarding that site.

SEO Inc. provides search engine marketing services and understands that by focusing on creating good content, SEO, and social media, you pave the road for your customers to come to you.  Come visit Search Engine Optimization, Inc. on Facebook

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