Friday, 30 September 2011

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (September 26-30)

Blogging Pro Job Board Highlights (September 26-30)

Blogging Pro Job BoardCan you believe it’s the end of the month already? Time really does seem to fly by so much faster these days! How has your job search been going?

I apologize for the dearth of job listings in the past week, as I have been away for a while. We still have a handful of jobs for you, though, so let’s take a look at them now.

Social Network Web Developer

Have you been dreaming of becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg? Have you been thinking about the next big thing after Facebook? This might be your chance. Check out this job listing for a web developer.

Freelance Web Copywriter

Interested in fashion and the latest hair styles? You might have heard of OUIDAD, a world renowned stylist. She is looking for a web copywriter, and it could be you!

Part-time Copy Editor

If you are based in New York and have the copy editing chops, you might want to apply for this part-time position. The interesting thing is that the company focuses on social issues and hopes to make a positive impact.

Healthy Food and Lifestyle Writers

Do you spend a lot of your time engaging in healthy activities? Are you particular about the food that you eat? If so, you might be the perfect fit for this blogging position!

Freelance Writers at Dumpling Magazine

Interested in everything American-Asian? Check out this listing for writers (and photographers, actually). You don’t have to be American-Asian to apply!

Splashpress Media endorses GenesisWP Framework

Genesis Framework ad

The Genesis Theme Framework empowers you to quickly build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.

  • 6 default layout options
  • Advanced tutorials
  • Huge selection of child themes
  • Forum support by expert developers
  • Extensive array of built-in SEO settings
  • Rock-solid security, enhanced by WordPress Lead Developer Mark Jaquith

Find out more about GenesisWP here!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

How to Choose What to Blog About

How to Choose What to Blog About

It’s probably the first question every blogger has to ask themselves. It comes before writing the first post, choosing the theme or even selecting your blogging platform: What is my blog going to be about?

It’s a tough question and how you answer it will have a big impact on what your site is going to be. It’s going to affect the type of content it has, the media it uses, the audience it reaches out to, how it is promoted and much, much more.

In short, every decision you make about your blog depends on that first critical choice.

But it is also a decision that is fraught with both peril and reward. Choosing the wrong target or the wrong niche can literally kill your site before you’ve published your first post. Choose a good one and it is almost impossible for your site to not find a healthy audience.

So how do you choose your site’s topic? Though you can certainly find some good help from Google and other tools, finding a blog topic that interests you enough to write on regularly and one where your site can thrive is an almost impossible challenge.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you choose your blog’s topic and ensure that your site has every chance to thrive from the moment it hits the Web.

Where Good Blogs Go Wrong

When it comes to choosing a blog topic or finding a niche, there are three big mistakes that a blog can make.

  1. Choosing a Pond too Big/Crowded: The first mistake is choosing a blog topic that is much too big for them, either in the sense it is too broad, making it about nothing at all, or a field that’s too crowded or already dominated. For example, a blog on tech startups would find it almost impossible to compete against TechCrunch.
  2. Choosing a Pond That’s Too Small/Limited: The second is the reverse error, choosing one that it’s too small or narrow. While you can be the king of a small pond easily, it does no good if no one is interested in it, see James’ previous article on using Google for this, or if there isn’t enough material to fill your pages.
  3. Choosing a Topic You Can’t Write On: Finally, it’s important to remember that whatever topic you choose you’ll be forced to write on several times a week well into the future. If your interest is lacking or there just isn’t enough to say, your blog will reach a dead end sooner rather than later.

When you consider that there are millions upon millions of blogs online, seemingly on every conceivable topic, finding a blog topic without at least one of these problems might seem to be an impossible challenge. However, with a little bit of creativity and research, it’s actually very easy. All you have to know is where to look and how to mine for the best blogging ideas.

How to Choose Your Blog’s Topic

The obvious place to start with your blogging topic is the things that you are passionate about. If you aren’t interested in something but choose the topic because you think it meets the other criteria, you’re either going to stop writing or simply create a bad, dispassionate blog. Either way, it’s not worth choosing a topic just because it’s “easy”.

Once you’ve narrowed the field a bit to things you can actually write about, you need to look for a topic that appears to be decidedly under-served. An area where there is a group of people who either don’t have a blog (or at least not a good one) that caters to a particular interest they have.

The easiest way to do this, when starting out, is to target a niche within a niche, within a niche.

What this means is that, when picking your topic, you first look at a broad area of interest, then choose a subsection of that interest, and then choose yet another subset of that particular interest. This way, you’ve started with an area of very broad interest and drilled down until you have a tiny section of it that, while still having an audience, is likely greatly under-served.

A quick example of this works as follows:

  1. Start with a Broad, Already-Popular Product: Apple products
  2. Choose a Segment of that Topic: Apple Mobile Products (iPhone, iPad, etc.)
  3. Choose Yet Another Segment of That: Apple Mobile Products for Students (College, High School, etc.)

What you have then is a blog about Apple’s mobile products aimed at college students. It could cover, at least in theory, apps for academia, how new features may help students with the academic/social life and rumors about Apple deals aimed at college students.

All in all, if you use that formula, you’ll usually stumble upon topic ideas that others have not tried, or at least not tried well. After several searches on the above topic, I was not able to easily locate an entire blog aimed at this market, just many static resources and individual blog posts.

The idea is that A) The topic has an audience, albeit not a huge one or an aware one and B) Once you become established in it, that you can use your reputation within this niche to expand, slowly, into the higher ones, eventually talking more about mobile Apple products in general and then Apple products at large.

However, the work isn’t quite done at this point. Now you have to make sure that there’s enough to write about and that you’re interested enough to keep writing on the topic. The best way to do that is to simply write. Try to get at least a month’s worth of posts done before taking the blog live, both to make sure there’s enough interest on your part and to ensure that there’s enough of interest to keep the blog active and interesting.

Once you do that, you most likely have a good topic that you can start your blog with and one you can grow on as well, setting the stage at least for a very successful blog.

Bottom Line

To be clear, finding a good topic is no guarantee for success. First, as we’ve discussed earlier, there are a million ways in which a blog can stumble and fall, ranging from blog abandonment to legal troubles. A good topic is just a solid beginning, nothing more.

However, while a good start doesn’t mean instant success, it’s almost impossible to find success without it. In short, a good start doesn’t always create a great blog, but a bad one almost always creates a failed one.

This is why it’s important to plan your blog’s topic carefully and to choose a niche that you can step into, find an audience and grow out of.

It may seem difficult, but with a little imagination, you can probably come up with dozens of creative blogging ideas quickly and then focus your efforts on finding which is the best for you and your site.

Splashpress Media recommends Shoeboxed, your administrative help

Shoebox, your admninistrative assistance

For anyone who loathe doing the paperwork, Shoeboxed is the perfect companion. You send the paperwork using postage-paid envelopppes, they scan all documents and return them as Shoeboxed scans all documents and returns them as organised files. With export options to most accounting programs even.

Shoeboxed also exist as a mobile application for most phones.

Don't be caught off-guard by the tax season, try out Shoeboxed for free now!

How to Keep Your Sanity While Blogging

How to Keep Your Sanity While Blogging

Owning and running a blog can be a lot of fun, but some new bloggers fail to realize how much stress can be involved as well.  Especially if your blog has hundreds or thousands of readers you will be faced with constant issues with webservers, spam, and grouchy readers.  Here are some ways you can keep your sanity while running an awesome blog that readers can't wait to come back to.

Keep security tight

Security is often overlooked on a blog because it is not a physical place that can be robbed or broken into.  But a popular blog is a prime target for spammers and you should do everything you can to protect your investment.  After all, your blog is a huge investment of your time and imagine how awful it would be to have all of your posts and comments erased suddenly.  Could you recover from this?  Well don't even tempt fate with this one and get regular backups of your blog, so even if it were magically erased all of a sudden you could be back up and running within a few minutes.

But backups are not the only thing you should do to keep your sanity.  You should also use an obscure password with symbols and numbers and do not use "admin" for your username log in.  WordPress also has some great security plugins for protecting your database, shielding against a brute force attack, and blocking spam in general.

Don't reward the spammers

Keeping spam out of your blog is just a regular part of the job as a blogger.  Don't let this slip even for a moment.  The more you use Akismet and click the spam button on certain comments, the more protected you will be from spam attacks, but spammers can be a resilient foe.  Even blocking IP's will often result in a spammer changing their IP address and coming after you again.  Don't take it personally.  They just want to get their links on your site and they really don't hate you, even though their actions can be very annoying.  If you don't have a lot of comments on your blog it can be tempting to allow a spam comment through just so you can get some discussion going.  But rewarding those spammy links can just hurt the reputability of your blog and will get more spammers coming to get their links on your site too.  Just determine you are going to have an anti-spam stand on this kind of behavior and Google will reward you for not linking to bad neighborhoods as well.

Take it with a grain of salt

Not every reader is going to love what you have to say.  There are probably people even reading this post right now that don't agree with what I have written.  But don't let a little criticism bother you.  In fact, a little controversy can be good for your blog.  Let your readers battle it out in the comment section and allow readers to leave negative comments on your page.   But always be respectful of your readers and do not insult them, even if they deserve it.  You will earn more respect by taking the high road than by attacking any visitor who disagrees with what you have to say.

Write about your passions

A lot of bloggers get burned out by trying to write content every day that they care nothing about.  But if you truly love something it will not only be a lot easier to write articles on it every day, it will also come through in your posts and make them more enjoyable to read.  You will quickly lose your sanity if you try to write on topics that bore you to tears.  Keep your hair and your sanity by identifying your passions and expressing your opinions about them.  Chances are that if it is really your passion you will have that blog for many years to come and they will not have to throw you into the looney bin.

Gina tries to keep her sanity with her blog and writes about cowgirl boots and everything that goes with them.

Splashpress Media recommends Builder, your one-stop WordPress Theme Builder

Builder, your one-stop WordPress Theme Builder

The extremely powerful Builder theme by is the perfect option to build themes for WordPress, even with little to none coding knowledge. Once you have build your WordPress themes, you can sell the themes in the Builder store.

Builder also includes the $90 Billboard and Rotating images plugin as well as iThemes' Mobile plugin for WordPress, sold at $45 to regular customers.

Find out more about Builder Theme for WordPress!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

3 WordPress Plugins That Make Analytics Gathering Easy And Maybe Even Fun

3 WordPress Plugins That Make Analytics Gathering Easy And Maybe Even Fun

AnalyticsUnderstanding where your users are coming from, which pages they access and what content they peruse for the longest periods of time is a great way to help better your websites content.

Whether you choose to use a free Analytics program such as Google Analytics or a paid program like GetClicky there are several WordPress plugins that make integration simple.

Here are a few of my personal favorite analytics programs with WordPress integration, all of which I use on my personal and business related websites.

1. Google Analytics For WordPress

The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin created by Joost de Valk does more than simply allow WordPress users to access their stats from within the WordPress administrator panel, the program offers some of the best tracking variables on the free analytics market. For example administrators can choose to use “custom variables” to track author pageviews, pageview tracking for logged in users and tracking by category, tags and even publication year. By using custom tags webmasters can determine which areas of their site are “hitting” more than others and adjust their content creation accordingly. I specially like the “logged in users” option when using BuddyPress and also the Simple:Forums plugin since I can track my community and determine who the most engaged users are, allowing me to reach out and help them become even more engaged within the community.

For E-Commerce customers using WP E-Commerce and Shopp plugins the program also fully integrates so you can track where your buyers came from, where they browsed and even which pages triggered their purchases.

Finally I really appreciate the ease of setup with this plugin, thanks to Google API integration users simply type in their “UA ID” from the administrator section and click the connect button to add tracking code without any template work.

Here’s a screenshot of the Yoast variable setup for Google Analytics:

Google Analytics By Yoast

2. Stats

As the name suggests this analytics plugin was created by Automattic, the team behind WordPress. In terms of additional features Stats is fairly sparse, however what the system does offer is a simple interface that provides basic traffic information. For example users can find out the days top 10 posts, their sites top referrers and a chart’s top viewers. Stats serves analytics from the system which means your site will experience no additional server load and your pages will continue to load quickly.

The plugin also allows users to add various email address so other registered users on the blog can access stats. Beware that you must add the users registered email address in order for them to view the stats when logged in.

Again you won’t find a bunch of advanced features however the program offers a quick up-to-date list of top stories in a simple to understand format.

Here’s a quick look at the Stats plugin in action:

WordpressCOM Stats

3. Get Clicky Plugin by Yoast

GetClicky is by far my favorite analytics program. Using the GetClicky program users can see second-by-second pageviews, track visitors and even setup campaigns and view Twitter analytics.

Once installed the GetClicky program allows users to track unique site visitors, overall pageviews, actions per visit, time spent on site numbers and various other “deep integration” stats.”

The WordPress integration also allows users to search for stats by certain days while providing referred links and even direct search terms used to arrive at the site.

Here’s a quick look at the GetClicky Plugin for WordPress:

GetClicky WordPress Plugin

Splashpress Media endorses GenesisWP Framework

Genesis Framework ad

The Genesis Theme Framework empowers you to quickly build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.

  • 6 default layout options
  • Advanced tutorials
  • Huge selection of child themes
  • Forum support by expert developers
  • Extensive array of built-in SEO settings
  • Rock-solid security, enhanced by WordPress Lead Developer Mark Jaquith

Find out more about GenesisWP here!

Using Google To Find a Niche

Using Google To Find a Niche

Researching a new niche is a tedious process, many blogs and internet marketers suggest launching a blog on a topic that is of interest to you and this is great advice. But as your portfolio of sites grow it will become harder and harder to find a niche that you are interested in.

When this happens you need to look at a wide range of niches that you may want to move into. We all have different tactics on how to find a niche, what works for one person may not work for another and often the best ideas will hit you out of the blue, if this happens all you are left to do is to dig a little deeper into the niche, find out how tough the competition is and whether or not it may be a profitable niche to enter.

I prefer to use Googles keyword tools and here at the reasons why.

The obvious reason is the search volumes and how much traffic you could expect to receive if you rank highly for a specific keyword. These figures are by no means gospel but they are probably the closest you will get to a reliable number.

Even if your root keyword proves to be too tough to tackle, there will be a long list of similar keywords that you can research. Targeting a long tail version of your root keyword can often mean you can get a foothold in that niche and once you have built your site out enough you may then be able to compete for the root keyword.

For me the most important reason to use the keyword tool is that I can get a better idea of potential earnings in that niche and whether or not it may be a lucrative niche.

I don't normally launch AdSense targeted sites, but instead I use AdSense as a backup plan, if I am promoting an affiliate offer that doesn't work I can always switch the site to AdSense. If you choose to target a keyword that has a very low CPC value and your affiliate offers don't work you may be left with a site that may be worthless.  The CPC value can also help you to roughly gauge any potential commissions you may earn as an affiliate. As an example if you target a keyword that has a CPC value of 10 cents, this usually means that profit may be low on these goods and in turn your commissions will be low. If however you target a keywords with a CPC of $3 it will usually mean that there is a decent level of profit in these products so Merchants will usually be willing to pay more in commission.

Every marketer will have their own way of researching a niche, but it is important to try new methods and see what works for you. Some great tools like Market samurai make the job easier but in the end it will be down to your own intuition and how you feel about a specific niche and in the end you will never really know the full potential of a niche until you test it out.

This is a guest post from Neil at eMobileScan, A company with sites throughout Europe focusing on offering the latest in label printers like thezebra ZM400 or the TLP2844.

Splashpress Media recommends Shoeboxed, your administrative help

Shoebox, your admninistrative assistance

For anyone who loathe doing the paperwork, Shoeboxed is the perfect companion. You send the paperwork using postage-paid envelopppes, they scan all documents and return them as Shoeboxed scans all documents and returns them as organised files. With export options to most accounting programs even.

Shoeboxed also exist as a mobile application for most phones.

Don't be caught off-guard by the tax season, try out Shoeboxed for free now!

Monday, 26 September 2011

This Is Why You’re Not Landing Blogging Jobs

This Is Why You're Not Landing Blogging Jobs

Blog PostWhen I tell my friends that I’m a professional blogger they often ask me when I’m going to get a “real job” and while that statement drives me insane I often ask myself when many bloggers are going to treat blogging as a real job. My biggest gripe as a content developer is that job seekers often email me on my personal websites asking for jobs with one sentence introductions, many of which include grammatical errors, long winded introductions and attachments I’ll never open.

If you’ve been applying to blogging jobs with no success here’s some tips that should help you increase your chances of landing more blogging positions.

1. Grab the attention of the webmaster immediately. The first 1-2 sentences of your emailed application should speak about who you are. Don’t simply say “I love technology and would be great for your tech site” instead let the hiring manager know that you examine tech trends on a daily basis and follow all areas of technology specifically represented by the website. If you happen to have a specialty that is being underutilized on their website be sure to mention how you can provide content that will better their product, just don’t be uppity about your talents simply offer your expertise.

2. Don’t send a bunch of attachments with your application unless they are requested. As a general rule of thumb I don’t open attachments which may include viruses and other unwanted information. If you are asked to include several examples of your past work I suggest including a link to each article you have published alongside a short summary that sells your article.

3. Don’t over share your accomplishments. I hate it when I receive 50 article links from an aspiring blogger. I want to know that each of my writers know how to identify and highlight their best content, by sending 2-3 articles that you are most proud of I’m more likely to hire you. Blog owners also tend to shy away from writers who provide a bunch of samples that have nothing to do with the type of content covered by the blog. Sending 30 articles about politics isn’t going to land you a technology blogging job regardless of how good your content is.

4. Sending an email that simply offers the statement “writing samples available upon request” with a short introduction is sure to land your email in my trash folder. You don’t write one sentence on a blog and tell readers to email you for the rest of the content so if you want to be judged for a job you have to provide the type of content in full that the website provides to readers.

5. Submitting super long writing samples is another sure fire way to lose out on a blogging position. If you are attempting to write white papers it’s one thing, if you are expected to write 500 word articles your college thesis about the American political system is not going to show that you can write succinct blog posts.

6. Don’t tell the hiring manager that you want to write “blogs about technology.” Let’s get one thing straight, you are not “writing a blog” you are “writing an entry” or “writing posts.” The blog is where your content is showcased, it’s not the content. If you can’t use the word “blog” correctly in your application you should probably re-evaluate your blogging aspirations.

7. Don’t ask for more information before you apply. If I was apply for a job at Engadget and I started asking questions about the type of content they offer they would immediately realize I have no vested interest in their website. You should know exactly what the blog you write about covers and you should be prepared to answer more questions than you ask.

I like job applicants who can follow my specific job application requests when applying for positions, people who can understand the focus of my blogs and job seekers who catch my attention with their best content. Just remember that bloggers have to sell themselves and their articles to readers and that sale starts by convincing a blog owner to hire them.

Splashpress Media recommends Builder, your one-stop WordPress Theme Builder

Builder, your one-stop WordPress Theme Builder

The extremely powerful Builder theme by is the perfect option to build themes for WordPress, even with little to none coding knowledge. Once you have build your WordPress themes, you can sell the themes in the Builder store.

Builder also includes the $90 Billboard and Rotating images plugin as well as iThemes' Mobile plugin for WordPress, sold at $45 to regular customers.

Find out more about Builder Theme for WordPress!

How to create SEO content

How to create SEO content

The major point of SEO is to create a content that will  lead to an increased traffic and hence to a bigger view. The SEO content will determine on how the website will be viewed and also, it will determine to the ranking of the site. The major aspect to be considered in the creation of the SEO content  is by the use of the keywords. The key word should be golden in the whole content, everything should be directing to the key word.

After you have determined the  topic you want to create the content about, you must determine the major keyword or keywords. This is very important as it is the guiding principle during the searching.  There should also be the use of the supporting terms which should be closely related to the key word. Together with the supporting terms in the content, there should also be the use of the core core terms which will be able to summarize the content of the page.

The key word or words should be carefully selected in a way that they will not be  just the general phrases. When a keyword is unique in a way, it will be possible to be distinguished from the  many that have some words like which are similar to it. For example, if you are using a keyword jeans, it would be better to have Polo jeans. This will be  a better keyword than just jeans. So after the identification of the keyword, it should now be phrased in a unique way other than how the common words appear. Otherwise, this is the purpose of the keyword in the creation of the SEO content.

Then , ensure that the keyword phrase is appearing in the title which you could choose for the SEO content.  Careful consideration should be taken to ensure that, the title looks like a title and not like a spam. The simple reason is that, the search engine would discard it for a spam. The keyword should thereafter be placed in a good and systematic way in the content. The strategic placement of the the keyword is another key concept to be carefully considered in the creation of the SEO content. The keyword should be found appearing in the opening paragraph, in the middle and in the ending paragraph. The middle paragraph should have the keyword appearing several times as it is the core area of the content.

The other aspect to consider is the word count of the content. Most of the search engine normally recommends a web copy of at least 200 words.  There is also the use of the meta tag in the html coding. Since the html coding will be involved in the search of the content, it is important that the meta tag contains the keyword. This will help in the ranking of the SEO content if the meta tag has used the keyword well.

Bill Anderson works at Luminous Solutions, a SEO Company. Luminous Solutions Provides SEO Services , Please visit

Splashpress Media recommends BackupBuddy, the Ultimate Backup Plugin for WordPress

Backupbuddy - Backup plugin for WordPress

The Backupbuddy plugin is the most powerful backup option for WordPress available and is loaded with solutions to save you from disaster. Backups should be easy and simple, happen without you having to do anything. Backupbuddy opens brings the power of backups to any user, whether novice or advanced.

  • Backup all your data, posts, files and themes
  • Scheduled backups
  • Local backups, FTP and Amazon S3
  • Get your site back up and running in minutes
  • Extensive array of built-in SEO settings
  • Easily change your domain name

Find out more about Backupbuddy here!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Apple iPhone 5 Excitement Ramps With Hardware and Carrier Support Rumors

Apple iPhone 5 Excitement Ramps With Hardware and Carrier Support Rumors

iPhone 5 PriceOn October 4, 2011 Apple, Inc. will unveil the Apple iPhone 5 the company’s newest generation of Smartphone and while some information such as the iPhone 5 cost is not known, more rumors are popping up everyday about the phones suspected capabilities and carrier reach.

One of the biggest rumors to surface is the fact that the device will likely see updated cameras, offering a better front facing camera for Face Time and a possible Sony created 8MP backside camera for crisp picture taking.

Apple is also expected to update their next generation of phone to feature a better antenna which will fix “death grip” problems that were experienced on the iPhone 4. Accessory maker Ideal Case actually posted a photo of the new antenna which they say will be used on the iPhone 4S/iPhone 5 based devices.

Digitimes has also revealed that the device will likely keep the same 3.5″ display size as it’s predecessors, however there is a chance that the phone may increase the display size to 3.7 inches.

Along with the chance for a bigger screen size is the possibility that the device may be slightly longer, wider and thinner, that information comes from various online vendors who began showcasing and even selling ‘iPhone 5 cases’ in early August leading to speculation that slight size changes were on the horizon.

UK carrier Vodafone has made it clear to their customers that one aspect will likely not change on iPhone 5 devices, the company listed the new iPhone 5 devices on their website with 16GB and 32GB variants, the same memory options currently available to iPhone 4 buyers. Another rumor says 512MB RAM will still be used on the newest device in the Apple series of Smartphones.

Aside from updated hardware the device is also expected to take on more carrier support, specifically in the United States where T-Mobile will receive a variant of the device that operates on their 1700MHz AWS 3G spectrum. A leaked memo from T-Mobile executives says the device unfortunately will not arrive at the carrier in 2011.

Also expected to receive the iPhone 5 is Sprint Wireless and the rumor which originated at Bloomberg predicts that customers will be able to buy an unlimited data plan for their iPhone 5.

With less than two weeks before the iPhone 5 debuts all we can do at this time is take the word of parts suppliers and carriers, in the meantime all will be revealed on Oct. 4 when Apple will officially announce the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S Smartphones.

Splashpress Media recommends Builder, your one-stop WordPress Theme Builder

Builder, your one-stop WordPress Theme Builder

The extremely powerful Builder theme by is the perfect option to build themes for WordPress, even with little to none coding knowledge. Once you have build your WordPress themes, you can sell the themes in the Builder store.

Builder also includes the $90 Billboard and Rotating images plugin as well as iThemes' Mobile plugin for WordPress, sold at $45 to regular customers.

Find out more about Builder Theme for WordPress!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

You CAN Hire Blogging Help; Consider These Micro Jobs

You CAN Hire Blogging Help; Consider These Micro Jobs

If you are lucky enough to have a little extra money to invest in your blog, you are faced with the difficult challenge on how to use that money to best benefit your brand.  I’ve hired several people to take on "micro" blogging jobs in the past, each with varying degrees of success.  Let's look at some of the positions you can hire for and the pros/cons that come along with each.

Social Media
This is the first area that many bloggers look to get some help with. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to hire a person who you can trust your brand with.  This is the equivalent of handing over your car or house keys to a stranger, so it is essential to research the person and have an in-depth interview with them.  The nice thing about hiring someone to assist with your blog's social media efforts is that the ceiling is high and the metrics are trackable.  Heck, getting someone to manage your Facebook fan page alone can be a full-time job.  Set goals and keep an eye on your ROI.

Additional Bloggers
The more (strong) content your blog has the better, at least that's with several recent studies have revealed.   When bringing on additional freelance bloggers, I recommend putting together a one-page style sheet.  The goal here is not to mimic the AP Stylebook, rather, it's to reinforce what the blogger must accomplish with each post that they write. For example, you might want to include something like:

Each blog entry must include…

- 2 external links to relevant blogs
- The keywords "best blogger ever"
- An upbeat and friendly tone

Keep it simple and direct; if you overwhelm the blogger with information, your core message will get lost.

Email Trafficker
Not everyone can be as disciplined as Tamar Weinberg when it comes to getting your inbox to zero! If you need help in this area, hiring a person to manage your inbox can be useful.  They can simply place items into folders or go as far to respond to inquiries on your behalf – the choice is yours. A well-managed inbox allows you to respond to items faster, and more importantly, helps you prioritize items for your blog.  You can also decide to have this person correspond with PR folks.  Once your blog gets on the radar for a given niche, you can expect to get inundated with book offers and press releases – all looking for free promotion.  Consider hiring a person to communicate with these agencies and to weed out the junk, presenting you only with the solid offers.

There are three jobs that you can hire for that fall within the blog comment realm: someone to write comments on your blog (shady business practice?), someone to leave intelligent comments (and a backlink) on related blogs, and someone to approve/reject your blog's comments before publishing. Ideally, you might find one person to handle all of these tasks.

This job would require someone to bring new layers to a blog post you have written. This is a useful hire for folks who fashion themselves as writers, but not necessarily bloggers.  After you complete an article, this individual makes it blogworthy by adding links, images, polls, and other interactive goodies that encourage two-way communication.

Offer up a healthy commission and you might motivate a budding salesperson to close a few deals on your behalf.

Additional Products
Consider hiring a ghostwriter (I’ve had good luck on eLance) to turn your previous blog posts into an ebook or other sellable item.  This can help give old content a fresh voice.  And the best part is, it allows your brand to tackle a major project, without taking you away from your daily blogging duties.

Finding the right folks for the job and agreeing upon fair payment is a challenge in itself.  But with enough work and a little luck, you can soon transition from a blogger to an employer! And the additional help can bring your blog to the next level.

Tell us about your experience hiring blogging help in the comments section below.  If you could only hire for one of the jobs above, which would it be?

Author Bio: Andrew G. Rosen is the founder and editor of, a career advice blog.  Follow him on Twitter (@jobacle) or connect on LinkedIn. He also likes to take pictures of lonely chairs.

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